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According to a report by Design Boom, Alauda Aeronautics, an Australian company, has recently unveiled the Airspeeder Mk4. This innovative flying racing car is manned, runs on hydrogen power, and includes four pairs of propellers.

The Airspeeder Mk4 is a model of an electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft developed by Alauda Aeronautics. It is an improved version of the Airspeeder Mk3 model. Alauda Aeronautics has conducted over 350 successful test flights with the Mk3 variant.

The Airspeeder Mk4 takes to the skies using a unique propulsion system created by Alauda Aeronautics. Unlike typical eVTOLs that rely on tilt propellers for flight, this cutting-edge aircraft utilizes a different approach. Its AI flight control system dynamically adjusts the propellers fixed on lightweight frames made through 3D printing technology.

Electric flying racing car

The Airspeeder Mk4 was described by the company as functioning more similarly to a fighter aircraft or Formula 1 racing car rather than a multi-rotor helicopter.

Hydrogen was selected due to its high energy density, ability to be stored compactly, compatibility with small aircraft, and lack of waste production. Additionally, a noteworthy attribute of hydrogen is its lighter-than-air property, which means that if it escapes, it will simply ascend and disperse into the atmosphere, minimizing the potential for fire or explosion risks.

You can find the video at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TFexgpbVlI

Alauda Aeronautics claims that the Airspeeder Mk4, fueled by hydrogen, holds the title as the world’s fastest eVTOL. It accelerates to a remarkable top speed of 360 km/h within a mere 30 seconds from takeoff.

The primary purpose of this eVTOL model is to provide maximum agility at high speeds and low altitudes, with a specific focus on racing.

The Airspeeder Mk4, which is equipped with a 1,000 kW turbine generator, weighs only 950 kg during takeoff and can travel up to 300 km. This remarkable vehicle is designed to produce almost zero emissions.

As anticipated, Alauda Aeronautics is set to commence testing the chassis and transmission system of the Airspeeder Mk4, along with conducting its initial passenger flights, during the first quarter of 2023. The primary objective of these test flights is to prepare the flying car for participation in the Airspeeder Racing Championship scheduled for 2024.